Diane Melby
Salon for Creative Expression

The Salon for Creative Expression is a place where friends gather to engage in the arts. Each month, one of my poems is featured along side a work by another artist. As a community, we enjoy an eclectic mix of creative expression spanning the literary, performing and visual arts. Join me in celebrating the creative spirit in each of us. Subscribe to the Salon today!

March Paradox
The almanac tells us that spring has arrived. Indeed, push back the mud and you will find the first greens of new life emerging. Daylight savings time rewards us with later sunsets but morning’s lingering darkness beckons us to stay in bed longer. I am normally an optimistic person but these days I struggle with concern for friends and country. My concern has crystalized as I see the momentum of book bans carry into national censorship of the arts. Read my essay “What Do We Lose?” But also remember that anxiety unchecked depletes energy, and now is not the time to languish under the covers. Take a few minutes to relax with guest poet, Tom Donlon in the Salon. Taking time to enjoy poetry will remind you that spring is coming.

What Do We Lose?
Just a few weeks ago we learned that the chairperson of The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts was to be replaced by presidential self-appointment. This action sets a new precedent for our nation’s cultural center. The precedent is not in the act itself. It is in the implication that presidential power is appropriately used in the censorship of artistic work produced by a free society. The very purpose of art is to help us shape our world through exposure to the experiences, knowledge, perceptions, and viewpoints of other people, cultures, histories and societies. When the government restricts access to the arts, the government controls who we become as individuals and as a country. What is happening at the Kennedy Center is nothing short of a strategy to dumb us down in order to control what you and I think and believe. Fight for freedom to engage in the arts without government control. If the events of the Kennedy Center seem distant from your life, then support the arts in your local community. Go to a show or see an exhibit that may irritate you, buy a book from an independent bookstore, attend a concert outside of your go-to genre. These simple activities protect you from governmental agendas that do not support independence. A loss of independent choice in the arts is a loss of freedom – period.
Diane Melby
Guest Artist
Tom Donlon

Tom Donlon was born in Boston, Massachusetts, the son of a Boston Irish Catholic and a British mum. His dad had been a B-17 crewman in World War II and was stationed in England where he met his wife, Joyce Ellen Adams. They had seven children. The kids grew up in Northern Virginia where Tom’s dad worked as an artist for the CIA. He did amazing portraits, including ones of his wife and children.
Tom wanted to be an artist, but he wasn’t very good at painting, so he became a writer. In 1984, he got an MFA in poetry at American University in Washington, DC. He and his wife, Beth, moved to West Virginia in 1986 where they raised their six children. Tom has written poems about his wife and their six kids. They are in his poetry collection, Apart, I Am Together. He has realized, finally, that he has done portraits in words.
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